Résumé: "Reality Island," script by Dana Kadison, art by Alan Kupperberg. Untitled Teen Hulk story, script by Jim Owsley, art by Bob McLeod. "Dirk McGirks's Histery of Artwerk," script and art by Michael Carlin. "Crazy Looks at the Crazy Office," script by Paul Kupperberg, art by Ned Sonntag. "Thanskgiving Pageant" starring the Kinetic Kids, script and art by Stephen Mellor. "Spider-Man Tickles the Torch," script by Marc Bilgrey, art by Jack Kirby. "Macie's Thanksgiving Day Parade Rejects," script by Susan Bissett, art by Arnold Franchioni. "The Audio-Visual Squad Member's Guide to Dating," script by Paul Kupperberg, art by Pat Broderick and Armando Gil. "Rat Reborn," script and pencils by Tom Sutton, inks by Peter A. Flynn. "For Your Eyes, Baloney," script by Murad Gumen, art by Dave Morris; Spoof of the James Bond film "For Your Eyes Only." Special bonus, "Do-It-Yourself Comic Book," script by Steve Skeates, pencils by Joe Albelo, Terry Austin, John Buscema, Dave Cockrum, Armando Gil, Larry Hama, Alan Kupperberg, Bob McLeod, and Marshall Rogers.