- Informations sur l'album
Best Comics of the Decade (The)
- The best comics of the decade - 1980-1990 - Vol 1
- 1
- Humour
- 384068
Pekar, Harvey
Sim, Dave
Griffith, Bill
Panter, Gary
Rodriguez, Spain
Kominsky-Crumb, Aline
Messner-Loebs, William
Gebbie, Melinda
Feiffer, Jules
Bagge, Peter
Templeton, Ty
Armstrong, Rob
Kuper, Peter
Groening, Matt
Jackson, Jack
Brown, Chester
Crumb, Robert
Cruse, Howard
Moore, Alan
Spiegelman, Art
Williams, Jim R.
- non coté
- Fantagraphics Books
- Format normal
- 1-560-97035-9
- 122
26/01/2020 16:11:26 (maj 20/12/2021 09:31:12)
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