- Informations sur l'album
- Batman Vol.3 (2016)
- Everyday
- AN04
- Super-héros
- 377211
- King, Tom
- Fornés, Jorge
- Norton, Mike
- Stewart, Dave
- Norton, Mike
- Fornés, Jorge
- Cowles, Clayton
- Weeks, Lee
- 12/2019 (Parution le 30/10/2019)
- non coté
- DC Comics
- DC Universe Rebirth
- Format comics
- 38
- 01/11/2019 12:26:16 (maj 01/11/2019 15:44:00)
- Résumé: What’s it like to be Batman from day to day? What are the challenges that the Dark Knight Detective faces? From thieves to marauding monsters, writer Tom King takes us across the gamut of experience to show the vast scope of what it takes to fill the Batman’s boots…and then what it means when he goes back home.