- Informations sur l'album
Batman Eternal (2014)
- When Animals Attack
- 10
- Super-héros
- 219755
Snyder, Scott
Layman, John
Fawkes, Ray
Tynion IV, James
Seeley, Steve
Burchielli, Riccardo
McCaig, Dave
Esposito, Taylor
March, Guillem
Morey, Tomeu
08/2014 (Parution le 11/06/2014)
- non coté
- DC Comics
- Format comics
- 32
05/07/2014 00:00:01 (maj 30/09/2014 00:30:59)
- Info édition : 1st print edition
- Résumé: Batman and Catwoman – together again! Professor Pyg is back! And we get some answers about Falcone’s past, and his motivations!
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