- Informations sur l'album
Archer & Armstrong (2012)
- Far Faraway
- INT03
- Aventure
- 232197
Van Lente, Fred
Henry, Clayton
Pérez, Pere
Baron, David
11/2013 (Parution le 11/12/2013)
- non coté
- Valiant Entertainment
- Format comics
- 978-1-939346-14-8
- 128
08/12/2014 14:33:31 (maj 08/12/2014 14:43:51)
- Info édition : Collects:
Archer and Armstrong (2012) #0
Archer and Armstrong (2012) #10-13
- Résumé: Archer & Armstrong venture into the mystery of the Far, Faraway, the birthplace of The Boon!
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