Info édition : Grand format hardcover 15"x19" (env. 371x481mm). Noté First published : October 2022. Introduction de David A. Roach. Les planches et couvertures de Mick McMahon sont en n&b ou couleurs, et tirées de 2000 AD (1977) plus quelques couvertures de divers recueils de Judge Dredd.
Résumé: From Mick McMahon’s earliest Judge Dredd stories to his iconic work on serials such as ‘The Cursed Earth’ and ‘The Judge Child’, this Apex Edition showcases McMahon’s constantly evolving style and his transformation into a truly unique comic book artist. He is one of the greatest Dredd illustrators of all time.
Featuring high-resolution scans of McMahon’s original artwork, this oversized facsimile edition reproduces his art boards at their actual size. Whole chapters of his work on the ‘Robot Wars’ and ‘The Judge Child’ sagas are displayed here alongside select pages from ‘The Cursed Earth’, ‘The Day the Law Died’, ‘Monkey Business at the Charles Darwin Block’, ‘The Fink’, and ‘Block Mania’. This book concludes with a section devoted to his colour Dredd work and includes the complete art for ‘Pinboing® Wizard’ and the legendary ‘The Vampire Effect’.